6 Motorists jailed for buying goods in Lagos traffic

OrijoReporter.com, Motorists jailed for buying goods in Lagos traffic

Six motorists, five passengers, and nine hawkers have been prosecuted and jailed for buying and selling goods in Lagos traffic.

Read also: 36 motorists submit to Psychiatric tests for traffic offence

The convicts, who were arraigned by the Lagos State Environmental Sanitation Corps Agency (LASECORPS) on charges of breaching the state environmental law were brought before a magistrate, Mr. Olayiwola Ogundare of the Ogba Magistrate’s Court.

They were caught either buying or selling goods at Ikeja on the Lagos-Abeokuta Expressway.

Magistrate Ogundare, who found them guilty of the charges sentenced them to three months’ imprisonment each with options of fine.

The motorists’ vehicles, among them, a Honda Accent, Hiace, Toyota Hilux, Toyota Sienna, taxi cab and commercial bus, were also impounded by LASECORPS.


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