Osama bin Laden’s son on terrorist watch list

OrijoReporter.com, Osama bin Laden's son on terrorist watch list

The U.S State Department has added one of Osama bin Laden’s sons, Hamza bin Laden, to its list of global terrorists.

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Hamza’s inclusion followed his confirmation that he has joined al Qaeda after Al Qaeda senior leader Ayman al-Zawahiri released a tape in August 2015, claiming that Hamza had joined the group.

Recall that in 2011 it was reported that Hamza, who was then 10-year-old had been killed alongside his father. White House officials announced his death, before further analysis showed that it was another son, Khaled, who had been killed.

Now 28 years old, Hamza is bin Laden’s son through the third wife Khairiah Sabar.
It’s estimated that bin Laden fathered 20 to 25 children with his many wives.

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