2023 Presidency: It’s still north’s turn – Northern Elders


The Northern Elders Forum (NEF), said a person from the north deserved to occupy the exalted office of the president beyond 2023.

The convener of the forum, Prof. Ango Abdullahi, shared this view on Wednesday in Abuja during the General Assembly Meeting of the group, which marked the 10th anniversary of its existence.

Abdullahi while speaking, said of the 24 years of the present fourth republic, persons of Southern extractions have used more years as the country’s president than their Northern counterparts.

He added that on that basis, it behoved that a co-northerner succeeds President Muhammadu Buhari.

His remark: “If we are even going to look at it cortically, since the return of democracy, Obasanjo did 8 years and Goodluck did 6 years making it 14 years; while Yar’Adua did 2 years and Buhari 8 years making it 10 years. So, it means the North still has four years.”

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