Pastor Moses Gbolahan Bello, is Senior Pastor, Fresh Apostolic Power Ministry, FAPM, a fledgling denomination founded in Lagos about four years ago.
In this interview, the Islamic scholar turned Christian cleric who stormed the Christendom with a vision and mission to bring succour to mankind through undiluted word of God barely a decade ago, says Nigeria would come out of the lingering recession stronger if its citizens can follow the path of God. He also spoke on his ministry and sundry spiritual issues. Excerpts:
Read also: (Recession: Buhari, Osinbajo, ministers criticised for in FEC meetings)
Can we meet you?
I am Moses Gbolahan Bello, the Senior Pastor at the Fresh Apostolic Power Ministry. I was raised in Islamic background and was a Muslim for my earlier 25 years. I had a life changing encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ in November, 1995. Unlike many of us in the Ministry, I was not opportuned to have the Western education in the earlier part of my life. But glory be to God that what I couldn’t get then later became possible at my ripe age. I give all glory to God
What is your source of inspiration?
Simply the word of God and the Holy Spirit.
What is your view on the current state of Nigerian economy, as a cleric?
The nation that serves God will not experience recession. Job:5; 20-22 and Psalm 33;17-19. In the life of any nation, there are bound to be ups and down. This is our own time to reflect on our past, identify where we have gone wrong as a nation and find a lasting solution that will take us to the point of full sovereignty. We have all these while been operating a mono-economy despite the large mineral and human resources bestowed upon this nation, so lavishly by God. We have a good nation but we are in short of good leaders. And leaders are also products of the society. We have not really trained our minds on the need to be fishermen and not the fish eaters. We really need to diversify our economy. We need to look to the east and tap the technology acumen of the people in that region. The intellectual capacity of the west has to be tapped. We need to encourage our brothers from the north on agriculture, on which they have an edge. We need to show love to ourselves and love our nation as well. I think the kernel of our problem hinged heavily on lack of love and distrust. We are not really sincere to ourselves in the taunted unity in diversity we claim we desire to achive through our union as a heterogenous nation. We , at this point, need to move away from a consuming nation to a producing one and put God first with sincerity in everything we are doing. I think the current government is moving in that direction. But the draw-backs are many. Nobody want to let go of our shoddy, corrupt past once it is paying off. And that is why we are where we are today. It is saddening.
What are the things that propelled the formation of the FAPM, bearing in mind that we already have so many churches in Nigeria?
Let us get something clear here. The FAPM is not my ministry. FAPM belongs to God Almighty. Like I said, I got converted in 1995 at a Christ Apostolic Church in Ikotun, Lagos. Six months after my conversion, I was baptised in water. That same day, I experienced the Holy Ghost Baptism. And since then, I have been actively serving the Lord in various capacity, particularly within Christ Apostolic Church of Nigeria across different assemblies until 2010 when the Lord Jesus expressly directed me to establish Fresh Apostolic Power Ministry which began as an outreach and later grew into a full blown church which has steadily grown over the years. Our headquarters is situated at Plot 4, Senboye Oladunni Street, Baruwa, Lagos
Human beings may have two faces. Who is Pastor Bello as a cleric and who is the real you?
As for me, I have only one face. I am husband to my wife and father to my children, pastor to the church and prophet in counselling office. You may have two faces as a politician, business man and all that. But choosing to serve Christ, to me, means you have decided to concecrate your life to Christ. You resolve to do away with the old man in you and assume a fresh life in Christ. Even as I will agree with you that it is a big struggle for the fact that we are mortal men, you keep aspiring. You know it when you are deviating and quickly make amends. You ensure you take your cue from the words of God. If you are in this habit, the question of having two identities cannot arise. A servant cannot serve two masters. That’s why the Bible admonishes that you should choose whom you are to serve. Christianity, to me, is a way of life. Once you see it from that perspective, it becomes an habit. And that is the way it is with me.
Miracle seeking is the order of the day in today’s Christendom. Little emphasis is being placed on salvation. Have you noticed this?
Yes. That is not unexpected in a continent like ours where poverty, governmental misrule, diseases, epidemic and squalor are order of the day. It has been so right from the start of the ministry of Jesus Christ. People troop out in numbers where miracle is involved. It has been the order from time immemorial.
What is your own take on miracle and churches in this end time?
For as long as people are having issues like strange diseases, joblessness, barrenness, spiritual attacks and all, miracle seeking will take the centre stages in churches. That is the raw nature of man. But I use to reiterate that the sure way to liberation from all these is by seeking God with all our hearts. The Bible says: Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and every other things shall be added unto you. So, the word of God is self explicit. We need to seek God. Let’s go to church with the mindset to worship and reference God. Praise Him, adore Him, show appreciations for all He has done. I can assure you that He whose searching eyes can dissect your problems more than you that is carrying it, shall do the needful. So, there is no crime in miracle. It is an attestation to the mightiness of God. And that is why there were so many miracles in the ministry of Jesus Christ and His disciples. Nothing is wrong with it. You need it just as I also need it for us to move from one point to the other on the positive path.
Men of God are known for one thing or the other. What do you want to be known for?
I want to be known as a man of God that came and affect lives positively during my own lifetime. At the end of it all, I want to be remembered as a man that love God so passionately , serve Him so diligently and affect people, so positively.
What are your future expansion plans?
Expansion is of God. But as human, we will always wish to bring the good news to every nooks and cranies of the world. There is no time to relax in the spreading of the Gospel of God. A man standing now is down the next moment. That is why Jesus Christ admonishes us to pray without seizing. And because Faith Apostolic Power Ministry is founded on truth, as enshrined in our mission statement, that is, to preach the gospel of God undiluted to the thirsty souls across the world, my mission will be fulfilled the day the world accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour and serve Him heartily. I wish that FAPM grows across continents. But I see every other churches preaching the true word as partners in this work. It is like a people climbing a mountain. They don’t really have to queue behind themselves in this endeavour. But once there is a target and the backing sincerity of purpose, they can climb from all angles. The ultimate thing is to reunite as a happy family at the top, which in this illustration, represents heaven. That is my take.
What is your advice for our leaders and the followers too?
I will advise the leaders to be focused and put the interest of the generality of the country above their self interests. The leaders are representatives of the people; people’s servant, and should act as such. We need a team work over there more than ever before to get to the Promised land. A situation where about 90 percent of our collective gains go for recurrent expenditure is appalling and saddening. The majority should not be suffering for the comfort of a few. So, there should be an inward overhaul among the leaders. Let them shed their over-bloated allowances. Let them put the interest of the masses of this country first. The followers too should learn to be law abiding and submissive. They should be obedient partners in the drive to rebuild Nigeria. We need peace in Nigeria for every sector of the society to enjoy the needed boom we all desire and crave for. The basic message is love. We should love others as we love ourselves. That is the import of the message to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. The moment we are able to fix this, we are home and dry. God bless Nigeria.
Any regrets?
No regrets but for a day I was copiously misquoted in a newspaper interview like this. But I have put that behind me. To God be the glory.