Senate proposes abolition of State/ Local Government Joint Account

1588, abolition of State/ Local Government Joint Account

The National Assembly (NASS), has proposed the abolition of State/ Local Government Joint Account in operation in almost all the states.

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The proposal was one of several others that was in the report of the Senate Committee on Constitution Amendment after its harmonisation with that of the House of Representatives at a final meeting in Lagos last week.

The report of the joint committee was laid before the senate on Thursday.

The report recommended the amendment of Section 162 so that each local council could maintain an independent special account into which allocations accruing to it shall be directly paid from the Federation Account and the state government.

Equally, it proposed a uniform three years tenure for Local government areas’ chairmen and altered the Section 7 of the constitution to provide that only democratically constituted local councils can receive allocation from the Federation Account.

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