A medical practitioner, Dr. Ayopo Adeyemi, has warned women against fixing artificial eyelashes claiming the beauty enhancement has dire consequences on users’ health.
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The doctor, a woman herself, sounded this warning in an interview with News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos on Sunday, where she claimed the health implications of fixing false eyelashes included corneal abrasions or ulcers, damage of the natural eyelashes, eye sensitivity, amongst others.
Adeyemi said: “The use of harmful chemicals on the eyelashes can cause them to fall out quicker than they naturally would and it is also dangerous when tools to be used come in close proximity to the eye.
“Artificial eyelashes can cause trauma to the eye either through the glue and other materials used or unprofessional operators; there could be introduction of microbes into the eye causing conjunctivitis of all types.
“The lashes themselves can cause allergic conjunctivitis trapping and retaining dirt around the eye.”